Nurse Britany
I love medical fetishes and Ive been getting more and more fun callers with these. I especially like being a nurse in the old nurse uniform with hat and white stockings. Imagine me, 5’11”, in a short and tight little uniform. Unbuttoned at the top ready to take your temperature….anally! Doing a little anal exam as I snap on those gloves with a sweet smile on my face. Snap! Here’s a good spin, Nurse Britany puts you in an MRI machine and it turns into a vac-u-bed, shrinking all around you. Then you hear that familiar banging and it turns out to be a fucking machine. When you reach the end you didnt know what happened except you are encased in rubber and the mechanical dick is in your confused little ass.
Cum Eating Forever
My fave cum eating boy J-boy is getting stronger and stronger with pull ups, push ups, edging to many, and finally cumming and eating it just for me. As everyone knows, I love it when boys are happy to eat cum for me. Last week I had in total, 23 cum eating boys, all new willing to do my bidding. From dick in mouth, cum on plate, in shot glass, in yogurt, in ice cream, in a salad, and the best of all in a Nutribullet healthy shake. Can’t forget the protein now can we?
Princess Britany
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