by Britany | Jun 14, 2020 | Masturbation Endurance
Missile Dick Provides More Fun Another meme has come your way, compliments of missile dick. Today is meme penis pumping with Britany, the golden princess. The peen has been very quiet. Has he been taken over by another princess or is he too chicken shit to do these...
by Britany | Jun 4, 2020 | Guided Masturbation, Masturbation Endurance
Penis Pumping for One and for All Oh oh oh….missile dick is back and I am co-owner of this slut now. I have files of his g-string photos, Tons of information on him during a call with his CEO Ms Hunter. Soon I will have my own personalized thong and it must...
by Britany | Nov 19, 2019 | Masturbation Endurance
The Time Is Now. It’s Jack Off Time To A Britany Meme Yep it’s about that time again…Missile dick? Jackie boy and the rest of you Princess adoring fans of the Brit. It’s jack off time to a Britany meme. This means missile dick will have to do...
by Britany | Jun 24, 2019 | Cock Control, Masturbation Endurance
Masturbation Endurance Lessons for Cocks Out of Control Masturbation endurance lessons for dicks that cum too quick. Given to you, by me, Princess Britany because it’s time you got more ambitious for me, your wife, or your girlfriend. If you are so lucky to have...
by Britany | May 29, 2018 | Masturbation Endurance
Masturbation Endurance Princess Style Masturbation endurance on Skype is one of my very favorite stroking game phone fantasy calls. A few days ago a stroke pet arranged a session and off we went. The screen was crystal clear, and the cock was ready for a nice two hour...
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