by Britany | Jan 25, 2019 | Princess Humiliation, Spoiled Brat
The Spoiled Brat Fetish I’m very sure that you know what a spoiled brat fetish is. You love a young girl like me being a bitch and complicating your life. I have been used to getting what I want for a very long time. I am a spoiled brat and you have a spoiled...
by Britany | Nov 8, 2018 | Cock Tease
Cock Tease Classmate Brad and I had Psych 101 together and arranged it where he would sit next to me so he couldĀ chat me up and lure me to bed. I noticed right away if I crossed and recrossed my legs or dangled a pump, he had a hard time looking at me while he spoke...
by Britany | Sep 5, 2018 | Foot Fetish, Princess Humiliation
Fetishes for a Spoiled Brat A spoiled brat who has kink will always have a fetish up her sleeve. In this case, foot and shoe fetish beats hand in glove (unless that’s a black leather opera length glove made for spanking and jerking off your dick). Back to the...
by Britany | May 14, 2018 | Sissy Humiliation
Mean girl call for Monday Princess style? Oh go ahead, you love being a humiliated sissy. If I can have Foot Fetish Friday, I can have Mean Girl Monday. I may post once in a blue moon FFF, but that’s because I can. A princess can be capricious only because there...
by Britany | Mar 20, 2017 | Sissy Training
What Is Panty Punishment A sissy would definitely perk their ear at punishment panties. Imagining a sissy with panties, scratchy velcro covering the little dickie area, I guess a one inch square would do. Maybe panties that have locks. I have seen these. I was...
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