Spoiled Brat Fetish

The Spoiled Brat Fetish I’m very sure that you know what a spoiled brat fetish is. You love a young girl like me being a bitch and complicating your life. I have been used to getting what I want for a very long time. I am a spoiled brat and you have a spoiled...

The Art of the Dangle Part 2

Cock Tease Classmate Brad and I had Psych 101 together and arranged it where he would sit next to me so he couldĀ  chat me up and lure me to bed. I noticed right away if I crossed and recrossed my legs or dangled a pump, he had a hard time looking at me while he spoke...

Spoiled Brat Foot Worship

Fetishes for a Spoiled Brat A spoiled brat who has kink will always have a fetish up her sleeve. In this case, foot and shoe fetish beats hand in glove (unless that’s a black leather opera length glove made for spanking and jerking off your dick). Back to the...

Mean Girl Monday Princess Delight

Mean girl call for Monday Princess style? Oh go ahead, you love being a humiliated sissy. If I can have Foot Fetish Friday, I can have Mean Girl Monday. I may post once in a blue moon FFF, but that’s because I can. A princess can be capricious only because there...

Punishment Panties

What Is Panty Punishment A sissy would definitely perk their ear at punishment panties. Imagining a sissy with panties, scratchy velcro covering the little dickie area, I guess a one inch square would do. Maybe panties that have locks. I have seen these. I was...