Ending Masturbation May, All Of You Denied

The Bitter End Of Masturbation May Masturbation May is coming to a bitter end because all of you are denied according to the Golden Princess. Ending masturbation may this way is the only way because I came through with the threat of orgasm denial at the beginning. The...

The Sissy Stamp On Your Panties

Happy Femdom February To Slaves And Dominants, Happy FLR To All Happy Femdom February, and only a couple of days until March. The sissy stamp is the topic today and you’re wondering if it’s a tattoo, a brand, or a permanent marker scribble. Well none of...

BBC For A Sissy Slut Slumber Party

BBC Soiree Planning At The House Of The Golden Princess What does the Golden Princess do for amusement on a rainy afternoon? She plans a party for her favorite sissy sluts. With pencil in hand the brainstorming begins and of course!!! Bbc for a sissy slut is on for a...