Britany And Andi The Ignore Team

The Britany And Andi Team For OUR Ignore Call Pleasure Enjoy the Britany and Andi team, the bitch goddess divas of the ignore fetish world. We did team up for an awesome call a few days ago and I had an in-depth conversation with Andi about my upcoming wedding while...

Pinch The PeePee With Princess Britany

Pinch The Peepee Is The Best I Can Do For A Small Cock I have been in the mood to write one of my bitch posts and here it is. It seems that I have lost much of  my sense of humor the past few posts because I had to focus on finishing school. Time went by in...

CFNM Are You Naked Yet?

CFNM Are You Naked Yet? The site of the month is Get Naked For Us. Right now you should be reading this naked and dancing. You will be tragically dancing to “Private Dancer”  by Tina Turner and “The Crying Game”, remembering the blowjob you...

Anniversary Day Roll Over Price

A Nice Discount For Boys In No-Vember This is day one of our anniversary day specials. Calls are 1.99 per minute first 30 minutes for all of today. Give me and Princess Andi a call for a two-girl ignore and we promise to ignore you in style. This month’s site is...